As the RPAS sector rapidly grows, the number of organizations involved also increases. This website does not seek to list all of them but instead gives a selection of organizations relevant to the sector. The intention is to facilitate navigation to the websites of organizations across market and geographic sectors to assist in the acquisition of knowledge. The selection does not intend to recommend nor to discriminate against any organisations in particular. Regulator organisations can be found in the Regulation pages. Standards organisations can be found in the Standards page. Academic organisations can be found on the Academia page.
Professional and Trade Organizations
RAeS, Royal Aeronautical Society, UK - - The world’s only professional body dedicated to the aerospace community and to further the advancement of aeronautical art, science and engineering around the world. Established in 1866, the Society has been at the forefront of developments in aerospace, seeking to promote the highest professional standards and provide a central forum for sharing knowledge.
ARPAS-UK - - The Association of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems is a not for profit trade association and professional body which supports the RPAS community. ARPAS-UK works closely with industry regulators, in particular the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority), as well as UK Government departments to influence and ensure that the regulatory framework for the safe and professional operation of remotely piloted aircraft is fit for purpose and encourages best practice. It also works with other key stakeholders in the development of national and international RPAS strategies and standards, to the benefit of its members and works in the public interest, advocating professionalism within its membership through compliance with an agreed Code of Conduct and the holding of appropriate permissions.
Drone Industry Action Group, UK - - In 2016, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Secretary of State invited Professor Iain Gray as Chair to convene a broad range of business voices (including R&D and academia) to inform, support and shape the business environment facing companies in this sector. The Drone IAG brings together leading UK drone companies, regulators and academics and is attended by the UK regulator (Civil Aviation Authority), the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy and the Department for Transport. It is the primary collaborative forum between Government and industry as the opportunities and challenges emerge in the move to autonomous flight.
British Model Flying Association, UK - - The BMFA is the National Governing Body for the sport of model flying. Its aims are to promote, protect, organise and encourage model flying within the UK. Typically there are around 780 affiliated clubs and a combined membership of over 36,000 members, all of whom have entered a partnership to ensure that model fliers have a voice and their rights are recognised by the authorities. With resepct to the 2021 UK UAS regulations, BMFA has obtained an authorisation under Article 16 in CAP722 to facilitate traditional sport model aircraft flying (see CAP722, Annex D, Para D1.16).
AUVSI, USA, International - - The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International is the world's largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of unmanned systems and robotics, representing corporations and professionals from more than 60 countries involved in industry, government and academia. AUVSI members work in the civil, commercial, education, research and defence markets.
UAV-DACH, DE, mainland Europe - - UAV DACH e.v., established in 2000, is the most experienced association for commercial unmanned aviation in Europe. It represents the interests of more than 200 corporate members from research, manufacturing and operations located in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. UAV DACH stands for acceptance, safety, reliability, quality and promotion of unmanned aviation. With the expertise of its members, UAV DACH supports the development of regulations and laws at national and international levels.
IFALPA, International - - IFALPA is the global voice of pilots. An international not-for-profit organization, IFALPA represents over 100,000 pilots in nearly 100 countries. The mission of the Federation is to promote the highest level of aviation safety worldwide and to be the global advocate of the piloting profession; providing representation, services, and support to both our members and the aviation industry.
BALPA, UK - - British Airline Pilots’ Association is the professional association and registered trade union established to represent the interests of all UK pilots. We represent over 10,000 pilots and are recognised in 23 different companies; that’s over 85% of all commercial pilots flying in the UK. The association holds the largest collective resource of commercial pilot qualification and experience in the UK
Eurocockpit, European Union - - The European Cockpit Association (ECA) was created in 1991 and is the representative body of European pilots at European Union (EU) level. It represents over 40,000 European pilots from the National Pilot Associations in 33 European states. In addition, ECA has 3 Associate Members.
IATA, International - - IATA’s mission is to represent, lead, and serve the airline industry. IATA improves understanding of the air transport industry among decision makers and increase awareness of the benefits that aviation brings to national and global economies. Advocating for the interests of airlines across the globe, IATA challenges unreasonable rules and charges, holds regulators and governments to account, and strives for sensible regulation.
AAUS, Australia - - The Australian Association for Unmanned Systems focuses on facilitating awareness, integration and collaboration between industry, academia, government and defence. Services include industry advocacy, representation, advice, networking opportunities, business promotional opportunities, and discounted insurance, through every avenue that promotes the adoption and integration of unmanned systems into applications that serve civilian and military needs. Through collaboration with peripheral and supporting industries and within the resources sectors, AAUS facilitates the uptake of unmanned systems technologies into new market sectors. AAUS plays a pivotal role in identifying R&D opportunities for its membership and providing advocacy at both the State and Federal levels of Government, including the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).
USC, Canada - - Unmanned Systems Canada’s mission is 'To represent the interests of Canada’s remotely-piloted and unmanned vehicle systems community of businesses, industry, academia, government, military, and other interested persons at home and abroad.'
Drone Council South Africa, ZA - The Drone Council website states: 'The Drone Council SA was initiated in 2019, as an industry response to create a platform of affiliation by the various established companies and new entrants into the industry. The all-inclusive launch was planned for May 2020, but postponed due to the lockdown. It is a membership- based entity, and will endeavor to empower its members. The Council’s main objective is to organize its members and other stakeholders to enhance robust development of the drone economy in South Africa.'
Flight Global
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